Below you can find the details of the local organising committee.

Jitte Waagen
As a digital archaeologist at the University of Amsterdam, Jitte supports fieldwork and research with his expertise in Geo-ICT, quantitative modelling and image based modelling, as well as the operation of drones.
He is the coordinator of the 4D Research Lab at the University of Amsterdam, and the Secretary of the CAA-NL-FL local chapter.
Philip Verhagen
Philip Verhagen is assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, specialized in computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, with an emphasis on GIS, spatial analysis and modelling. He has held a position as post-doctoral research fellow at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam from 2009-2017.
He has been Publication Officer of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods from 2011-2016, and is currently Managing Editor of the newly started Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology.

Piraye Hacigüzeller
Piraye Hacıgüzeller is Assistant Professor of Digital Heritage and Metadata at the University of Antwerp. Her expertise lies broadly in the theory and method of digital heritage, digital archaeology and digital humanities. Her recent research projects focus on applications of metadata (mainly semantic web) technologies in the context of heritage, automatic image recognition, geospatial data technologies and (digital) representations of archaeological spaces. She is associate editor of Journal of Maps.
Ronald Visser
Ronald Visser is a lecturer at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, and specialises in Roman archaeology, dendrochronology, network analysis, GIS & databases.
He is the chairman of the CAA-NL-FL local chapter.

Devi Taelman
Devi Taelman is postdoctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). His main fields of interest are the economic history of the Roman world, archaeometry, human-environment interactions in Roman Antiquity, Roman settlement archaeology, landscape archaeology and geoarchaeological approaches to ancient Mediterranean landscapes.
He is also the treasurer of the CAA-NL-FL local chapter.
Alex Brandsen
Alex Brandsen graduated in Archaeology (BA, Leiden, 2009) and Archaeological Information Systems (MSc, York, 2010). He is in the final stages of his PhD at Leiden University, and is currently working as a Postdoc. In both projects he is working to create an intelligent search engine for archaeological texts.
He has been an organiser of the Digital Archaeology Group for 4 years, and has recently joined the CAA-NL-FL local chapter as Communications Officer.