Presenters at the CAA2023 conference in Amsterdam as well as the CAA2022 conference in Oxford are encouraged to submit a written paper for the CAA Conference Proceedings, which will be published as a joint volume covering both meetings.
Submissions for the proceedings are now closed!
For CAA2023, we have decided to partner with PCI Archaeology for the organization of the free and open peer-review. This means that submitted papers will go through the process outlined here. As soon as papers are recommended for publication by PCI Archaeology, authors will have the opportunity to publish:
- In the CAA Proceedings (free of charge)
- In the Journal of Computer Applications of Archaeology (Article Processing Charges apply)
- In any other PCI-friendly journal of choice (Article Processing Charges may apply)
- or leave the paper as a pre-print with a badge indicating it has been peer-reviewed
This means that authors no longer will have to wait for publication until the full Proceedings volume has been reviewed and typeset, papers will be copy-edited and published as soon as they are ready. Still, a Proceedings volume will be produced as the final output of the conference.
How to submit your paper for the CAA2023 Proceedings?
We have opened a Community on Zenodo for the CAA2023 paper submission: First upload your paper there to obtain a DOI, then go to and follow the instructions.
When asked for the names of recommenders, please add the names of the chair(s) of the session in which you presented, and specify that the paper is to be considered for the CAA 2023 Proceedings in the cover letter.
Please keep in mind that the word count should not exceed 5000 words (excluding bibliography). We do not require any specific formatting in this stage of submission, but please follow the guidelines provided by PCI Archaeology:
Alternative formats
In addition to short and long papers, CAA Proceedings invite submissions of scholarly outputs that are not text-based, such as:
- Datasets, incl. geodatasets;
- Data analysis, GIS, machine learning pipelines, etc. in the form of scripts, notebooks and libraries;
- 3D models and annotations;
- Formal ontologies, metadata descriptions;
- Models (e.g., ABM and other simulations, Network models, Spatial models, such as land-use change, etc.);
- Packages/Software (e.g. Python, R, Unity, Unreal, etc.);
- Digitally-based interpretive and/or educational content, including virtual tours and exhibits (e.g. museums, visitor centres, digital exhibitions, etc);
- Video/Audio (with explicit scholarly content);
- Archaeogaming outputs (e.g. custom-programmed games, game scenarios, recorded livestreams, etc.);
- Apps (e.g. For use in the field, Archaeogames, AR, VR, etc.);
- VR, AR and virtual tours;
- Workflows for digital approaches, e.g., data processing/analysis workflows, documentation schemas and frameworks;
- Educational materials for digital and computational archaeology;
- Others (please get in touch if you are in doubt as to whether your type of output could be considered for publication).
Each submission should be uploaded to Zenodo or a similar Open Access repository and will be processed in the same way as manuscript submissions. It should include:
- Cover Text: A succinct description of the product, up to 1000 words excluding bibliography. Please include references to the context in which the product was developed, but avoid lengthy descriptions of the research unless directly relevant.
- The Product: For example, code, diagram, dataset in csv, etc. Please only use proprietary formats if no open-source alternative is available.
- License: For more detail on how to choose a license see: here
- Readme: A text file specifying the dependencies, installation manual, etc
- Documentation: As appropriate for the product type (e.g., metadata for databases, ODD for ABM models, etc).
This category of submissions will be handled similarly to manuscripts, that is, they are to be submitted as a preprint on Zenodo, they will go through peer review, and will be included in the printed proceedings (cover text) thus receiving a doi, full citation reference, etc.